Here at DKG HARDTAIL's we have the knowledge, skill and equipment to not only build you a badass ride, we are also able to service and help you maintain it!
We are setup to service and repair your chopper and your everyday V-Twin!
As well as service's we are also able to carry out anything related to your motorcycle including:
*Engine and transmission repair's/rebuilds
*Electrical work
*Frame repair's
Contact us today for a quote.
We all know that with regular maintenance your Harley-Davidson will live longer, perform better, and hold its value. There is no question about that. However, there are a lot of questions about what “regular maintenance” means.
There are three levels of regular maintenance. They are:
Quick Service
Change engine oil and filter.
Inspect air cleaner, service as required.
Check rear belt adjustment.
Inspect transmission lubricant.
Inspect primary chain adjustment.
Inspect brake pad linings and discs for wear.
Inspect oil lines and brake system for leaks.
Check, adjust operation of enrichener, throttle control.
Inspect fuel valve, lines and fittings for leaks.
Check operation of all electrical equipment & switches.
Check battery and clean connections.
Check tire pressure and inspect tread.
Road test.
Full Service
Change engine oil and filter.
Inspect air cleaner, service as required.
Change primary chaincase lube and clean drain plug.
Check and adjust rear belt.
Adjust primary chain.
Clutch adjustment.
Change transmission lubricant and clean drain plug.
Inspect brake pad linings and discs for wear.
Check brake fluid reservoir levels and condition.
Inspect oil lines and brake system for leaks.
Lubricate front brake hand lever, throttle control cables, clutch control cables (and hand lever), rear brake pedal bushing (if applicable).
Check steering head bearings.
Check, adjust operation of enrichener, throttle control.
Inspect fuel valve, lines and fittings for leaks.
Check operation of all electrical equipment & switches.
Check battery and clean connections.
Inspect spark plugs.
Check tire pressure and inspect tread.
Check wheel spoke tightness.
Lubricate hinges, latches – fuel door, tour-pak, saddlebags.
Check tightness of all critical fasteners: hand controls, brake system, axle nuts, front fork components, riser and handle bar fasteners.
Check engine idle speed.
Road test.
Major Service
Change engine oil and filter.
Inspect air cleaner, service as required.
Change primary chaincase lube and clean drain plug.
Check and adjust rear belt.
Adjust primary chain.
Clutch adjustment.
Change transmission lubricant and clean drain plug.
Inspect brake pad linings and discs for wear.
Check brake fluid reservoir levels and condition.
Inspect oil lines and brake system for leaks.
Lubricate front brake hand lever, throttle control cables, clutch control cables (and hand lever), rear brake pedal bushing (if applicable).
Lubricate jiffy stand.
Lubricate and adjust steering head bearings.
Check, adjust operation of enrichener, throttle control.
Inspect fuel valve, lines and fittings for leaks.
Clean fuel tank filter screen.
Check operation of all electrical equipment & switches.
Check battery and clean connections.
Change spark plugs.
Check tire pressure and inspect tread.
Check wheel spoke tightness.
Change front fork oil.
Repack rear fork bearings (if applicable).
Adjust springer rocker bearings.
Check tightness of all critical fasteners: hand controls, brake system, axle nuts, front fork components, riser and handle bar fasteners.
Lubricate hinges, latches – fuel door, tour-pak, saddlebags.
Check engine idle speed.
Road test.
How often do I need which kind of service?
Harley-Davidson specifies maintenance requirements as follows:
2003 and Earlier
1,600 km – Initial Service
4,000 km – Quick Service
8,000 km – Full Service
12,000 km – Quick Service
16,000 km – Full Service
20,000 km – Quick Service
24,000 km – Full Service
28,000 km – Quick Service
32,000 km – Major Service
Repeat from 4,000 km interval.
2004 and Later
1,600 km – Initial Service
8,000 km – Full Service
16,000 km – Full Service
24,000 km – Full Service
32,000 km – Major Service
Repeat from 8,000 km interval.
We strongly recommend that, for most riders, the 2003 and earlier maintenance schedule be followed for ALL year model vehicles!
We also have a selection of quality handmade products to suit your build:
Parts such as:
Hardtails (supply and / or fit, create)
Fender struts
Full from start to finish chopper build
Exclusive Australian Distributor of:
Hugh's Handbuilt Products
OLD-STF Products